The time for change is here
Over recent months, we have rediscovered our living space. In her trend report for Hawa's Slide magazine, futurist Oona Horx-Strathern explores, among other things, what will happen when private space and office merge and what the home and the city of the future might look like.
The pandemic has accelerated many trends in recent months. We are in what can be called a "plastic hour." These are those crucial moments when it is possible to act, those times when everything can change because history is in a volatile state. These plastic hours are rare. They require the right constellation of public opinion and political power relationships—and above all a crisis, such as a pandemic.
The Home Rediscovered
The experience of the last few months has ushered in a new era for the home after it had retreated into the background somehow in recent years, with so many of us being on the move much of the time. Now, our own four walls have regained their status as the center of our lives, according to Oona Horx-Strathern. All of a sudden, we have the need to express our personality through our home and this new perspective will no doubt change what we want from interior design, furnishings and objects.
The Experience Working from Home
We use our home in a different way now compared to two years ago. It is doubling up as an office. Working from home has provided many people with extra time while challenging household arrangements. Who is allowed the best place near the router? Where is there a space to retreat to, and who is doing the cooking today? Studies show that the home office will continue to play an important role in the future. And this will have implications for our living spaces.
Hello Neighborhood
In the future, this new connectivity with our immediate vicinity could shape neighborhoods and cities as well as the home. During the lockdown, many of us have experienced our neighborhood afresh and our urban landscape as quieter, calmer, friendlier, and with cleaner air. This experience has given us a glimpse as to what the new normal might look like, and enables us to plan for the resilient city of the future.

Order Slide magazine
Read more about what the city and the home of the future might look like in Oona Horx-Strathern's essay in the Slide magazine.
To Slide
A New Look at our Home
An interview with futurist Oona Horx-Strathern about how the pandemic has changed private and public spaces forever.
To the interview
A Visit to Oona Horx-Strathern
Curious to see how the futurist and her family live? We visited her at her home near Vienna and talked to her about the home, working from home, and urban development.
To the videoOona is Irish, grew up in London and now lives in Vienna. Her main interest is in the future of living, architecture, design, building and urban development as well as cultural and social change. She studied human geography at Bristol university and has worked in television and print journalism. She has been a trend and future researcher for over 25 years, and author of the annual Home Report on living and building trends, and lives in the Future Evolution House in Vienna that she built with her husband Matthias Horx.
Author – Oona Horx-Strathern
Photography – Klaus Vyhnalek
Illustration – Leandro Alzate